Tasfiye Süresi Artık 3 Ay! Liquidation of Companies in Turkey is possible in 3 Months
6 Kasım 2021 tarihi itibarı ile güncellenen mevzuat kapsamında tasfiyede bekleme süresi 6 aydan 3 aya indirilmiştir. Artık şirket kapatmak daha hızlı!
As of November 6th, 2021, the minimum waiting time to shut down Companies (i.e. Limited Liability Company and Joint Stock Company) is now only 3 months. It was 6 months previously.
Though you can incorporate/establish your company in 1 day in Turkey, shutting it down was taking more than 1 year... This waiting period decreased to six months and now to 3 months... In the age of electronics, we appreciate the shorter waiting time for Company liquidations.
We shall happy to assist to incorporate your Company in Turkey or to liquidate your Company in Turkey...